Sotto l’azzurro fitto
del cielo
qualche uccello di mare se ne va

né sosta mai
perché tutte le immagini portano scritto

“più in là!”


"Io dichiaro la mia indipendenza. Io reclamo il mio diritto a scegliere tra tutti gli strumenti che l'universo offre e non permetterò che si dica che alcuni di questi strumenti sono logori solo perché sono già stati usati"

Gilbert Keith Chesterton

15 novembre 2011

Ayman Nabil Labib.

Evon Loga Gabrieul could no longer hold back the tears for her 17-year-old son, Ayman Nabil Labib, who was beaten to death by classmates on October 16 in an unsolved murder case that has raised the specter of sectarian violence in this industrial corner of Minya, a governorate in southern Egypt. 
Ayman was Christian and the boys who allegedly killed him are Muslims.
“It was because he was wearing the cross and refused to take it off, they killed him,” said the mother, Evon, who toured her son’s room leaving the other eight female relatives mourning his death in the hallway.

Ogni tanto la rabbia, lo sconforto, il dolore mi toglono le parole di mano.
Questo è uno di quei momenti.

“ [...]
We pray for everyone, we prayed after the Qiddissin church bomb blast took place, we prayed when Maspero took place, we always pray that God makes this country safe for everyone
[...] ”

Cristo triumphans

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