Sotto l’azzurro fitto
del cielo
qualche uccello di mare se ne va

né sosta mai
perché tutte le immagini portano scritto

“più in là!”


"Io dichiaro la mia indipendenza. Io reclamo il mio diritto a scegliere tra tutti gli strumenti che l'universo offre e non permetterò che si dica che alcuni di questi strumenti sono logori solo perché sono già stati usati"

Gilbert Keith Chesterton

24 aprile 2012


Ahhh ahhh ahhh...

Can you feel their haunting presence?
Can you feel their haunting presence?

Liar, Killer, Demon
Back to the river Aras

Someone's blank stare deemed it warfare

Liar, Killer, Demon
Back to the river Aras

Freedom, Freedom, We're Free, We're Free

Can you hear the holy mountains?

Liar, Killer, Demon
Back to the river Aras

Someone's mouth said paint them all red

Liar, Killer, Demon
Back to the river Aras

Freedom, Freedom, We're Free, We're Free

They have all returned
Resting on the mountainside
We have learned that you have no

They have returned
Resting on the mountainside
We have learned that you have no

Honor, Murderer, Sodomizer
Back to the river Aras

They have returned
Resting on the mountainside
We have learned that you have no

Honor, Murderer, Sodomizer
Back to the river Aras

Freedom, Freedom, We're Free, We're Free

Ahhh ahhh ahhh...

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